
C.E.E.C - Certificate of Origine

To control the export of non-ferrous minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo through the Center for Evaluation, Expertise and Certification of Precious and Semi-precious Mineral Substances, the CEEC has put in place the Certificate of Origin. The exporter establishes, two days before the date scheduled for export, a declaration of origin and sale of merchant mining products in four copies on a form, to be collected from the Directorate of Mines or the Department of Mines within the jurisdiction. This declaration must be accompanied by analysis bulletins samples delivered by CEEC, OCC, CGEA and possibly by laboratory chosen by the exporter. The declaration duly completed and signed by the exporter or his agent is filed with the Directorate of Mines or the Department of Mines within the jurisdiction for visa, after verification of the elements contained in the form of the declaration of origin and sale. In the event of the discovery of signs of fraud, in particular cases of forgery, declaration on the nature, quantity, quality, origin, price of mining products merchants, penalties and fines provided for by law are applied customs and excise duty in accordance with article 305 of the Mining Code. A false declaration regarding the validity of mining rights, the purchase and sale of mineral substances in violation of the legislation in force as well as any other illegal transaction related to the marketing of mining products, constitute breaches of mining law, punished in accordance with Title XIII of the Mining Code.

The Situation in Congo

The Certificate of Origin in the Democratic Republic of Congo is issued by the C.E.E.C which controls, tests and certifies the minerals. To track down the authenticity of our Certificates of Origin: